3D Construction Printers Australia Fortex Solutions

What are the benefits of 3D printing in construction?

3D printing, a subtype of additive manufacturing, is a process of creating a physical object from a digital model. This technology has been rapidly advancing in recent years and has found a wide range of applications, including in the construction industry. 

The global 3D printing construction market was valued at $1.4 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach $750.8 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 87.3 % during the forecast period from 2022 to 2031. 

This number comes as no surprise as the technology offers various benefits to the construction industry. From reduced costs and increased efficiency to improved sustainability and enhanced safety, we will explore how this cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the way we build and design structures.

Advantages of 3D printing in construction

Reduced Costs

3D printing has the potential to significantly reduce costs in the construction industry in a number of ways:

Lower material costs

One of the key ways in which it does this is by eliminating the need for formwork, the temporary structure used to hold wet concrete in place while it hardens. 3D printing allows for precise and accurate placement of concrete, reducing the need for formwork and the materials required to create it.

Additionally, 3D printing can reduce material costs by utilising construction waste as a raw material. This can help to reduce the amount of waste generated by construction projects and decrease the need to extract and process new materials. Yingchuang, a high-tech enterprise in China have found that 3D printing can reduce material consumption by 30-60% compared to traditional construction methods.

Furthermore, 3D printing can also reduce material costs by increasing efficiency and precision. The ability to create complex and customized designs, 3D printing technology allows for the use of less material while still achieving the desired structural strength

Decreased need for heavy machinery

3D printing can also reduce the need for heavy machinery, such as cranes and excavators, which can be costly to rent and operate. This also results in less need for maintenance and repairs, further reducing costs.

Reduced labour costs

Another major benefit of 3D printing is the ability to reduce labour costs. 3D printing technology can largely automate the construction process, reducing the need for large numbers of skilled workers. Also, the reduced need for heavy machinery means less need for operators and maintenance, which leads to lower labour costs. The Yingchuang study is proof to this, claiming builders can lower labour costs by about 50 to 80%.

house being built by 3D printer

Increased Efficiency

3D printing can also increase efficiency in the construction industry. One way it does that is by significantly reducing construction times. According to Markets and Markets research, it can reduce production time up to 70%.  

This feat is no surprise as 3D printing technology can automate many of the manual processes involved in traditional construction methods. For example, by eliminating the need for formwork, 3D printing allows for faster completion times and shorter project schedules.

Another way 3D printing increases efficiency is by reducing waste. 3D printing allows for the precise and efficient use of materials, reducing waste and unnecessary costs. This can help to lower overall project costs and make construction projects more sustainable. This can also be achieved by utilizing construction waste as a raw material for 3D printing, which can help to reduce the amount of waste generated by construction projects and decrease the need to extract and process new materials.

Furthermore, 3D printing increases efficiency by enabling the creation of complex and customized designs that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with traditional construction methods. This technology allows for the creation of complex geometries, intricate details and customized shapes, which can help to increase the functionality and aesthetic appeal of structures, while also making them more efficient and sustainable. This allows architects and designers to push the boundaries of design, making structures that are not only functional but also beautiful.

Improved Sustainability

3D printing has the potential to significantly improve sustainability in the construction industry in a number of ways. One of the most obvious ways is by reducing the use of natural resources. Traditional construction methods often require large amounts of raw materials, such as wood, steel, and concrete. 3D printing, on the other hand, allows for the precise and efficient use of materials, reducing waste and the need to extract and process new materials.

Another way in which 3D printing improves sustainability is by increasing recycling capabilities. 3D printing can utilize construction waste as raw material, which can help to reduce the amount of waste generated by construction projects and decrease the need to extract and process new materials. This not only reduces the environmental impact of construction projects but also creates a closed-loop system where waste is transformed into a new resource.

Moreover, 3D printing can also improve sustainability by reducing carbon emissions. Traditional construction methods often rely on heavy machinery and transportation, which can result in significant carbon emissions. 3D printing, on the other hand, can be done on-site, reducing the need for transportation and the associated emissions. Additionally, 3D printing can also be powered by clean energy, further reducing its carbon footprint.

Furthermore, 3D printing can also improve sustainability by enabling the creation of smart buildings. The integration of smart technology, such as sensors and IoT devices, into 3D-printed structures allows for real-time monitoring and control of the building’s systems and energy usage. This can lead to significant energy savings and a reduction in the environmental impact of the building over its lifetime.

Enhanced Safety

3D printing has the potential to significantly enhance safety in the construction industry in a number of ways. One of the main ways is by reducing the risk of injury. Traditional construction methods often involve manual labour, which can be physically demanding and carry a high risk of injury. 3D printing technology can largely automate the construction process, reducing the need for manual labour and associated risks.

3D printed construction machine

Another way in which 3D printing enhances safety is by increasing accuracy and precision. 3D printing allows for the precise and efficient use of materials, reducing waste and unnecessary costs. This can also help to improve the structural integrity of the building, making it safer for occupants. Additionally, 3D printing allows for the creation of complex and customized designs, which can help to improve the functionality and safety of the building.

3D printing also enhances safety by reducing the need for scaffolding and other dangerous equipment. Traditional construction methods often require the use of scaffolding and other equipment which can be dangerous to work with. 3D printing technology allows for the creation of structures on-site, reducing the need for scaffolding and associated risks.

Moreover, 3D printing can also enhance safety by creating safer working conditions. As 3D printing technology can be largely automated, it reduces the need for manual labour and associated risks, and it also can be done indoors, which means that it can be done in any weather condition, reducing the risks associated with outdoor construction.



3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry by reducing costs, increasing efficiency, improving sustainability, and enhancing safety. From larger-scale printing to multi-material printing, automation and robotization, smart building and using of recyclable and biodegradable materials, the future of 3D printing in construction is exciting.

As the technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see more and more applications for 3D printing in construction, particularly in larger-scale printing, multi-material printing and the use of recyclable and biodegradable materials.

To learn more about our COBOD 3D construction printer, contact us.